Whitepaper: Closing the gender health gap
Following the publication of the UK government’s Women’s Health Strategy, we explore key challenges surrounding the gender health gap and present how we’re working to address them.

By Kry Team
Wed Aug 24 2022 • 1 min read

The publication of the first ever Women’s Health Strategy represents a landmark moment for women’s health in the UK, outlining concerted efforts to ‘reset the dial’ and address the gender health gap.
Women have experienced health inequalities for decades in a health system that has historically been designed by men for men. Unequal access to services, underrepresentation in medical research and unconscious bias are just some of the factors that have contributed to the stark reality that you may receive poorer medical advice, diagnosis and worse outcomes if you are a woman.
Indeed, today, women spend around a quarter of their lives in poor health or disability, compared with one fifth for men. And new data we’ve commissioned in the UK reveals over 57% of women feel they aren’t diagnosed correctly after visiting a healthcare professional.
But what are the underlying causes? Our whitepaper looks at the key issues and presents some of the ways we’re working to address them. Read the whitepaper to learn about:
The postcode lottery women experience around healthcare
Why we need to amplify women’s voices in the healthcare conversation
What education and information is required to fill the clinical knowledge gap
How we’re supporting the Women’s Health Strategy in the UK
We're also hosting a free educational event for GPs to learn more about commonly misdiagnosed women’s health conditions. These include diagnosing the menopause, HRT and contraception in the peri-menopausal years.
Held on Friday 7th October, at 10 Union Street, London - the home of the RCOG - this half day event is free for GPs! Tickets are limited, so sign up now to secure your place, and feel free to share with your peers. BOOK YOUR PLACE TODAY

Kry Team
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